The Curse of Over Productivity…

Someone once said to me ‘God laughs at people who make plans,’ and that quote has hovered in my head ever since.

My plan was to launch a new book of short stories on the 14th March but it turns out my own productivity scuppered that plan. The short stories aren’t the problem, the problem is, I have so many of them in my head, the book has increased to a much longer one than originally planned. So much so, I am seriously considering splitting it into two books. This means I will be able to publish the first one in June and the second in October. Well, that’s the new plan…

Thanks to three trusted readers, I am feeling confident the stories will entertain and amuse you, they are full of quirky characters and interesting situations (as you would expect from me). So please hang on in there, I promise they are on the way!

As well as writing, I have been working on my new website which I use as my own little publishing house. This has eaten up quite a bit of my time too, but it is worth it! Please head over and take a look, you will find featured writers, books to read, and notebooks to write in. I am also creating an online gallery for my photography.

If you hit the subscribe button you will be entered into a monthly draw to win a free notebook.

If you are in the subscribing mood, please subscribe to this one too, that way you will be kept updated with news on my new book of short stories.

If you happen to be an author, get in touch to be featured! You can see author interviews here.

While you are waiting for the new book, please check out my other short story books here.

The Isolation Sex Stories

When the great Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 forced good people of the world to self isolate for months, normal behaviour became suppressed. Sexual appetites and deviation came to the fore; hours shut behind closed doors, with little but televisions and the Internet to amuse them, caused carnal and psychological desires to grow. They took shape in forms never seen before. Perfectly upstanding members of communities, everyday folk who considered themselves straightforward in their desires, found their imaginations increasing and morphing in ways they could never have imagined before the virus struck. With time on their hands and minds, creativity took fun, sometimes bizarre, sometimes curious, sometimes just plain weird effect. This is what happens when you shut a society away, which is used to every kind of freedom. These are the Isolation Sex Stories.

The Eight of Swords

A difficult day turns into a nightmare when Jayne Patchett returns home to find her house occupied by Romanian gypsies.

The irony of the situation isn’t lost on Jayne, who works in immigration. She is used to dealing with illegal immigrants at work but when she finds them sitting at her dining room table, drinking her wine, eating her food and wearing her clothes, her reaction surprises even herself.

The Putsi

Sequel to The Eight of Swords

If you have something special belonging to someone else, what happens when they want it back?

Eighteen years have passed since a family of Romanian gypsies invaded Jayne Patchett’s house. In that time her life has changed remarkably, she is a successful artist, happily in love, living in an idyllic country cottage. But all those years ago, one of the gypsies gave her a lucky pouch, the putsi. Now, one of them wants it back. Drama returns to Jayne’s life as secrets are unveiled and she begins to wonder who she can trust.

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Deep in my WIP

Petra Kidd

If you aren’t a writer, a WIP is a ‘work in progress.’ I have been absorbed in my WIP for the past couple of months. The aim being to write a story a day. Of course, it doesn’t quite work out like that as typically life gets in the way. On a good day I write two stories in a day, most days I manage one, except at weekends because at that point I become a full-time carer, and there simply isn’t the time.

Also, I have other business to focus on, I am building up a collection of notebooks using my photography on the covers plus greeting cards. There is always a new project in my head that I am keen to put into operation.

It is a bit soon to talk about a launch date for the new book, but March 2022 is my target and I intend to make it a particularly special launch. Time between now and then is already flying past like a supersonic jet. And yep, I do feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants.

What can I tell you about the new WIP? Well, of course I do not want to give too much away but I will say it involves a fascinating mix of characters, and this time animals too. Unlike The Isolation Sex Stories, there is not much (if any) sex involved. I know this may disappoint some of you, but if you are fascinated by people; I think you will love it. They all live in their own little worlds, but their worlds interlink in small, sometimes poignant ways. It is my belief that there are not many people on the planet who get to live an ‘ordinary’ life, whatever that is. With 7.9 billion humans on the planet and 1.2 million known species of animals, there are endless stories to be told. Even if I live to 150, I won’t be able to write that many stories!

So, roll on March. I am trying not to be too impatient to get the book done and I am certainly enjoying the process. I hope that you will enjoy the book as much as I am writing it.

If you are an indie author reading this, please head over to my sister website where my latest blog might interest you.

Until next time… please subscribe to be updated with progress. You may even win a free signed copy of The Isolation Sex Stories if you hit the button. Go on, I dare you…

The Eight of Swords

The Putsi

My stories are currently free on Kindle Unlimited – go treat yourself!